Steve Skypes in from Syracuse, Job Interviews, and the best advice you have ever received.

Steve Skypes in from Syracuse, Job Interviews, and the best advice you have ever received. post thumbnail image

Steve’s inability to imitate a proper NY accent has finally reached a breaking point with the rest of us. So, we sent him to Syracuse, NY for training.  

Will it work? 
Probably not. 
Anyway, this week he Skyped in to update all of us on his trip. We’re also pretty sure he got married while he’s been gone. Listen and see what you think!




Pam, Steve's new bride.

Pam, Steve’s new bride.

Snow 00

Snow 02

Snow 03

Snow 04






The upside-down traffic light.

The upside-down traffic light.

The upside-down traffic light.

The upside-down traffic light.


Episode 52

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