My Shiney Hiney, Old TV Shows, and Lewd Town Names

My Shiney Hiney, Old TV Shows, and Lewd Town Names post thumbnail image

It’s just us tonight, no guests, no distractions. And it goes to prove that we can entertain ourselves while trying to be less vulgar. Slightly less.

Ben starts us off with a shaggy dog story and that evolves into a discussion of the Fox Hollow Facebook Page.  No, we will not link to it.

The specter of The Cuckold arises.

Have you ever heard an unscripted podcast try to make a really forced transition? Here’s one.

Breaking News – Steve doesn’t watch porn. – Breaking News

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the My Shiney Hiney.

We then use it’s very existence to paint a beautiful, enduring word picture and place it gently into the very mind’s eye of our dear listeners.

Steve pseudobulbars during the discussion of old tv shows.

And finally we have a list, the lewdest town names in each state.

Episode 137

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